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Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Recruitment 2019: Deputy General Manager (IT)

Assam Co-operative Apex Bank.
Last Date: 29/06/2019.

Assam Co-operative Apex Bank invites Applications from eligible and suitable candidates for the following post. Interested candidates who fulfill the eligibility criteria may apply for the post:

Name of post: Deputy General Manager (IT)
No of posts
: 1

50 years.

Educational Qualification:
First class B.E./ B.Tech. (Computer Science/ Electronics & Communications), M.Sc.(IT/ Computer Science), MCA, M.Tech/ M.S. (Computer Science/ Software Engineering) from a recognized University/ Institute/ IIT.

Work Experience: Minimum 10 years relevant experience in middle/ senior level management and have thorough knowledge of CBS, Internet Banking, Mobile Banking, Micro ATM & Financial Inclusion, HRMS, Centralized Vendor Management & Payment System and ATM Project. Should have good knowledge in various CBS architecture and hardware, RDBMS, storage and server and should have knowledge and experience in security and network infrastructure in Banking environment.

Candidate having working experience in Banks/ Banking Operation in addition to above desired experience will be preferred.
Pay: Negotiable

Selection Procedure: The candidates will be shortlisted based on the eligibility criteria and will then be called for Personal Interview (PI).

How to apply:
i. Candidates complying with the above criteria may apply by downloading the Application form from the Bank’s website
ii. The Application form needs to be filled up in capital letters and duly signed by the Applicant.
iii. 2(two) copies of recent passport size photograph should be pasted on the application with signature across it.
iv. Application forms accompanied by necessary enclosures have to be sent by Registered / Speed Post/ Hand Delivery only in a sealed envelop superscribed with “Post applied for (Name of the Post)” to the following address:
The Managing Director
The Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.
H.O., Panbazar, H.B. Road,
Guwahati-781001, Kamrup (M), Assam

Important Dates: The Application must reach the Office of the Managing Director of the Bank by 5.00 P.M. on 29.06.2019.

Advertisement Details/ Application Form: Pl check here .

from :: Jobs In Assam, Guwahati and North East India
Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Recruitment 2019: Deputy General Manager (IT) Assam Co-operative Apex Bank Recruitment 2019: Deputy General Manager (IT) Reviewed by MADHAB DIGITAL on June 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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