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Assam Legislative Assembly Recruitment 2019: Librarian/ System Analyst

Assam Legislative Assembly.
Last Date: 29/06/2019.

Applications are invited from the citizen of India as defined in the Article 5 & 8 of the Constitution of India to fill up the following posts in Assam Legislative Assembly :

1. Librarian
No of posts:
1 (one) no. of Gazetted post

Scale of Pay 30,000 /- —1,10,000/- + Grade Pay Rs. 13,300/-P.M. in Pay Band - 4 and other admissible allowances.
Educational Qualification: The candidate must hold the Master Degree in Library Science from any recognized University. Preference will be given to those who have got 5 (five) years of experience as Librarian in reputed institution/organization and having practical knowledge in digital Library.

Age: The candidate should not be less than 21 years and more than 38 (Thirty eight) years of age at the time of application irrespective of fresh or candidates applying through proper channel.
Relaxation : The upper age limit is relaxable-
i) By 3 years for OBC/MOBC candidates i.e. upto 41 years, and
ii) By 5 years for SC/ST (P) & (H) candidates i.e. upto 43 years as per the existing Govt. Rule.

2. System Analyst
No of posts:

Pay: Fixed pay of Rs.25,000/-(Rupees twenty five thousand) only on contractual basis.
Educational Qualification: The candidate should possess the minimum qualification of B.E/B.Tech (IT/Computer Science); B.Sc (IT); BCA and should be well versed with the practical knowledge of web-page, website, software etc. to run/function a website properly.

Candidates with experiences will get preference and all the candidates should bring the original testimonials along with a Xerox copy of the testimonials while appearing for the Walk-In Interview.

Age: The candidate should not be less than 21 years and more than 38 (Thirty eight) years of age at the time of application.

Last date of submission of application
- 29-06-2019 during the office hour.

How to apply: Candidates shall be required to send the duly filled in Application in Standard Form as published in Part-IX of the Assam Gazette with self attested photo copies of all Testimonials with the requisite documents as indicated below:

i. Original Treasury Receipt for Rs. 250.00 (Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty only) for General and OBC/MOBC candidates and Rs. 125.00 (Rupees One Hundred and Twenty Five only) for candidates belonging to SC/ST (both P & H) categories as Examination Fee under Head of Account viz., "0070- OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES", 60-OTHER SERVICES, 800-OTHER RECEIPTS (10). The fees are not refundable and no other mode of deposit of fee other than through Treasury Challan shall be accepted. However, for the post of System Analyst (Contractual), no Treasury Challan needs to be submitted.

ii. Age proof certificate (Birth Certificate/Admit Card of H.S.L.C or equivalent examination) and 2 (two) copies of recent passport Size color photographs.

iii.A self addressed envelope (size 22x10cm) affixing postal stamp of Rs. 5/-only shall be submitted.

iv. Candidates will have to super scribe the name of the post applied for on the top of the sealed envelope carrying the application form and should be addressed to the Principal Secretary, Assam Legislative Assembly, Dispur, Guwahati-781006.
v. Candidates who are in Government service may also apply through proper channel with an NOC from the Head of the Institution.

vi.Caste Certificate issued by competent authority must be enclosed in case of reserved categories candidates. Incomplete applications shall be summarily rejected.

N.B : Candidates will have to appear for Written Examination for the post of Librarian which will be conducted by the Selection Board nominated by the Hon'ble Speaker, Assam Legislative Assembly. The syllabus for the written examination which will be of 100 marks in total includes Library Science, Current Affairs, Mathematical Aptitude, General English, Assamese etc..

Further, with reference to this Secretariat's earlier Advertisement dtd 18th February, 2017 (Jansanyog/1593/16), the 'candidates who have applied earlier for the post of Librarian having requisite qualification as prescribed above need not apply afresh.

The list of the eligible candidates for Written Examination/ Walk-In Interview will be uploaded in the official website i.e. and calling letters will be issued respectively to those candidates in due course of time. Candidates will have to bear the expenses to appear for the Written Examination/ Walk-In Interview by themselves and no TA/DA will be admissible.

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from :: Jobs In Assam, Guwahati and North East India
Assam Legislative Assembly Recruitment 2019: Librarian/ System Analyst Assam Legislative Assembly Recruitment 2019: Librarian/ System Analyst Reviewed by MADHAB DIGITAL on June 12, 2019 Rating: 5

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